Behind the Camera


Amber Thompson

About Amber

Hi friends! I am a full time college student born and raised in the heart of Suwannee County. I love all things art! From photography to painting, crafting to digital design, I do it all!

I am a lover of old, classic country music and praise and worship. I am a follower of Jesus and am a member of Journey Church. I love plants! Once of my besties got me into cactuses and succulents and got me my first one! It has just been a growing collection from then on. I absolutely love flowers too! I am currently starting seeds for my own flower garden! I have so many dreams and passions, which means sometimes it can be hard to keep up with me haha! I am thankful for my wonderful parents and loving boyfriend who put up with my creative mind and spontaneous ideas!

I am attending North Florida College graduating with my Associates degree in May 2023 and am set to attend Southeastern University in the fall to receive a Bachelors degree in graphic design and visual arts.

My Story

I technically begin photography around 2017/2018 when a family friend was nice enough to lend me their camera. With this camera I found my love for taking pictures. In 2019 I was gifted my first camera by my family and began taking photos for family and friends and occasionally taking on additional clients.

Of course COVID-19 shifted everything my junior year of high school and lead to all classes going online and everyone working from home. I began my senior year of high school and was busy with classwork or helping my dad working for our family business. I don't remember picking up my camera at all from the beginning of COVID in 2020 to November of 2021...

It wasn't until a family member sent me a simple message on Facebook Messenger saying

"Hey random question, you take pictures right?"

I am so thankful for that message that brought me back to my camera, doing what I love. Here we are, almost a year and a half, and many edit changes, later, running a full photography business!

To all my past, present, and future clients who trust me to capture special memories for you,

Thank you!

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